FSC-CCOO Servicio Exterior | 11 febrero 2025.

Boletín CCOO-Exterior - Junio 2024 (I)

On May 28th , the first CUPLEX face-to-face meeting of 2024 was held in Madrid / The Administration modifies its criteria for the enrollment of new Spanish Citizens (PLEX employees) to Social Security / CCOO-Exterior at the Extraordinary Congress of the General State Administration Sector of CCOO / CCOO-Exterior carried out a work visit to Lisbon / Several positive court rulings defending PLEX colleagues from all over the world / In the coming weeks the PLEX Technical Commission will be held / CCOO-Exterior holds training sessions with our SAE-CCOO Delegation.

Normativa para Conductores y Ordenanzas-Chóferes en el Exterior.
  • Are you working as a driver or attendant-driver at an Embassy, Consulate General, or Office abroad? Did you know that your work has limits and there are regulations that protect you?
Newsletter CCOO-Exterior - February2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the 3.0% salary increase for 2023 will be applied to the March 2024 payroll, with retroactive effect from January 1, 2023. / At the same time, the administration has confirmed that it has corrected and unified the apllication criteria for the 3.5% increase for 2022. As a result, those affected will see their salary increase by 3.5% (corresponding to 2022). This increase will be applied retroactively from the hiring date (or return date to active service) during 2022.

¡Felices Fiestas y un Próspero y Venturoso 2024!

Acabamos 2023 consolidando un año más la subida salarial para el colectivo de empleadas y empleados públicos en el exterior y emplazando a la Administración para continuar en la ruta de la interlocución y el diálogo social, en el seno de la Comisión Técnica del Personal Laboral en el Exterior (CTPLEX), para continuar recuperando los derechos que han sido arrebatados a nuestro colectivo, como la Promoción Horizontal. ¡Os deseamos unas felices fiestas y un próspero y venturoso año 2024!

FOTO - Actualización Salarial 2023.

All of the trade unions present at the meeting emphasized the urgent need to start developing the PLEX Working Conditions Agreement of 2008, and requested the Administration's commitment to set up a meeting schedule that may allow us to resume the study of the Administration-Trade Union’s Agreement of 1990, as a basis for the ordinary salary revision, a fact-based analysis of the staffing needs overseas, as well as a professional classification system and the possibility of horizontal internal promotion, as key elements to ensure talent retention and career development within the Spanish Foreign Service.



CCOO-Exterior has published a guide that includes the basic principles of risk prevention in the field of the Foreign Service. This tool is designed to make visible and raise awareness of the importance of this matter. We have produced it in Spanish, English and French in order to reach as many colleagues as possible.

Additionally, our team will provide assistance and guidance in cases of work-related accidents, occupational accidents, occupational illnesses, situations of harassment or psychosocial risks at the workplace, etc. Furthermore, we will provide the necessary support and use all the instruments and competences within our reach to report and correct any violation of the Occupational Risk Prevention regulation.

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Our commitment is strong, as we have stated since the beginning of this health emergency: at CCOO we will stay vigilant and will report all arbitrariness, lack of transparency or any situation that may put the health of our colleagues and that of their families at risk. Therefore, CCOO-Foreign Service will continue to monitor the measures which are being implemented far and wide in our field overseas and will employ all our available resources to protect our personnel.

La Transición hacia una nueva normalidad

As an attempt to defend the rights of the General State Administration ́s staff abroad and due to the hesitation and concern regarding the way in which these measures and guidelines must be implemented at each workplace, this Union Section has reminded the Directorate General of the Foreign Service that this Resolution applies to the entire General State Administration, thus affecting all Foreign Service personnel without distinction. We have also stressed that under no circumstances should these criteria be given the status of mere guiding instructions.


OUR HEALTH CANNOT BE COMPROMISED! We all need to play our small part in order to emerge stronger and as soon as possible from this terrible situation. This is the reason why we encourage you to contact this Union Section if these measures are not being implemented at your workplaces or if you have identified any other behaviour that could imply a risk for your health or that of your colleagues.


Telework  /  Revising and updating continuity plans for working activity during emergencies  /  Establishing flexible hours and staggered shifts in order to minimise staff agglomerations  /  Promoting videoconference meetings.


Quarantine or preventive isolation periods that affect staff working under Spanish Social Security terms will be considered as temporarily inability to work (Incapacidad Temporal I.T.), so their salaries will not be reduced in any way. Regarding locally hired workers under different social security systems which may not provide the same level of remuneration guarantee, their situations will be considered in the same way as paid leaves in order to prevent partial or total loss of salaries.

Trabajadores de la Administración General del Estado en Argentina / Consulado General de España en Buenos Aires.

The court ruling is in favour of CCOO and confirms that the Argentinian annual salary supplement cannot be paid in the way the Ministry interprets the law. The Ministry cannot take a part of employees’ monthly salaries to pay for the annual salary supplement, because this monthly redistribution of their salary is a change in workers’ salary structure, which implies a substantial modification of working conditions.

Área Pública CCOO

Encouraging hygiene measures, such as handwashing using water and soap or a hydro-alcoholic solution, particularly after coming into direct contact with ill people or their relatives and friends. / When sneezing or coughing, our mouth or nose must be covered by bending our arm. / Using disposable handkerchiefs and throwing them away after use. / Should any person have respiratory symptoms, all close contact with other people must be avoided, keeping approximately one metre away from other workers. / Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth, given that hands can enable transmission. / Using masks, disposable gloves and mechanic means such as barriers, catenaries, etc. at premises used for attention to the public.