FSC-CCOO Servicio Exterior | 22 febrero 2025.

Área Pública CCOO

Encouraging hygiene measures, such as handwashing using water and soap or a hydro-alcoholic solution, particularly after coming into direct contact with ill people or their relatives and friends. / When sneezing or coughing, our mouth or nose must be covered by bending our arm. / Using disposable handkerchiefs and throwing them away after use. / Should any person have respiratory symptoms, all close contact with other people must be avoided, keeping approximately one metre away from other workers. / Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth, given that hands can enable transmission. / Using masks, disposable gloves and mechanic means such as barriers, catenaries, etc. at premises used for attention to the public.


Modelo Autorización de Descuento en Nómina

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Modelo de Ficha de Afiliación

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